An upper second-class degree (or equivalent qualification) with substantive quantitative elements (at least 60 credits plus a quantitative dissertation). Training includes a structured programme of core advanced click over here now methods courses and a fortnightly research Website reading group. You can find relevant academic staff members with our staff research interests search.
If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. eduPopular SearchesResources forThe department offers coursework in basic and advanced quantitative methods across a variety of statistical techniques.
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You may find it helpful tosearch our staff research profiles. Exam Type: No ExamThis course covers the most frequently used approaches in empirical legal research for collecting and analyzing data: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), text analysis and survey analysis. Find it
at www. Fees for 2022/23 are as follows:Following the recent changes to fee assessment regulation, Channel Islands and Isle of Man students will no longer be charged a separate tuition fee. ku.
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The first section of the course will also re-introduce linear
regression analysis (OLS), which you should be familiar with from
your undergraduate methods sequence, and its implementation in R. For more information get in touch with us atsocsci-gradschool@glasgow. ac. It enables students to engage in high quality methodological practices within their substantive areas. Your main supervisor must be from a social science discipline.
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The course will examine some of the best-known recent
quantitative research in political science, and ask: How did the
authors produce their results? Can we re-produce
them? And how sensitive are the results to other methodological
strategies? The course will place particular emphasis on students’
ability to apply the methods introduced in the course to real-world
data. Our Graduate SchoolResearcher Development Programmewill support you to plan your professional development over the course of your PhD and ensure your employability.
Professor Sarah Smith, (Professor, Head of Department),
Analysis of the effects of policy reform; intergenerational transmission; modelling individual behaviour, including fertility, health, retirement, charitable giving and subjective well-being. Exchange students and Danish full degree guest students please
see the homepage of Sociology;
http://www. In particular, the course revolves around three sections, as
described below. Analytical cookies help us improve our website.
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Dr Julia Gumy, (Senior Lecturer),
Comparative research methods; Gender, subjective well-being and the life course; Poverty and social inequalities; Study of individual financial behaviour and well-being
Professor Rich Harris, (Professor),
Methodological interests in spatial statistics, spatial econometrics, GIS and geodemographics; spatial measures of inequality and segregation; the geographies of education under systems of choice. This course is open to non-MPA/ID students only by permission of the instructor. We offer a 20% discount to our alumni on all Postgraduate Research and full Postgraduate Taught Masters programmes. soc. fat mass and physical activity, risk factors for CHD); lifecourse analyses; trajectories of change in disease outcomes.
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Hence, students will spend a substantial
amount of time working with software.
Find more information
at www.
Stats. Harvard Law School provides unparalleled opportunities to study law with extraordinary colleagues in Bonuses rigorous, vibrant, and collaborative environment. In the last
three classes of the term, we will therefore examine tools for
scraping data, using application programming interfaces (APIs)
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